Tali Haran

Tali Haran

Education/ Resume:

B.Sc., Chemistry, Hebrew University; M.Sc. and Ph.D. Weizmann Institute of Science; Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Chemistry, Yale University; Associate Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University; Visiting scientist, Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge University, UK; Visiting scientist, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Columbia University, NYC, NY, USA; Visiting scientist, CIBIO, University of Trento, Trento, Italy; Visiting Scientist, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, NYC, NY, USA.

Research Summary

The lab of molecular structural biology, headed by Associate Professor Tali Haran investigates the recognition mechanisms of DNA by regulatory proteins.  Our research probes the mechanism of  Protein-DNA interaction in cellular function. In the last years the research focus on p53 – an important protein known for its tumor suppressor activities. Thus the research outcome may benefit diagnostic and therapy for cancer.


Landau Memorial Prize, for outstanding Ph.D. research; Rothshild Fellowship for postdoctoral research; Alon Fellowship – young faculty career development award; Gutwirth prize; Prof Dafna Israeli and Prof. Dov Israeli prize from the Israel Cancer Association.

Key Publications
  • E. Haran, A. Joachimiak and P. B. Sigler (1992). “The DNA target of the trp repressor”. EMBO J. 11, 3021-3030.
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Recent Publications:
  • Vyas, I. Beno, Z. Xi, Y. Stein, D. Golovenko, N. Kessler, V. Rotter, Z. Shakked and T. E. Haran (2017). “Diverse p53/DNA binding modes expand the repertoire of p53 response elements”. PNAS 114, 10624-10629.
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