We are pleased to announce that the winner of February’s article is Ph.D Student Ariel Chazan from Prof. Beja’s lab. The article was published in Nature.

16 April 2023


The Committee for Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Biology selects the leading scientific article each month from all the scientific articles published for that month.

We are pleased to announce that the winner of February’s article is Ph.D Student Ariel Chazan from Prof. Beja’s lab. The article was published in Nature, the name of the article: Phototrophy by antenna-containing rhodopsin pumps in aquatic environments .

On the occasion of the win, we asked Ariel to provide us with some interesting details about the study and the path that led to the research.

Hi, could you introduce yourself in a few words?
My name is Ariel Chazan and I am a Ph.D. student in Oded Beja’s lab. I did my bachelor’s degree in marine biology (Ruppin academic center) and master’s degree at the Faculty of Biology (Technion) under the supervision of Prof. Tali Haran and Prof. Dina Ron.

Could you explain what Prof. Beja Laboratory is all about?
Microorganisms have developed several strategies to utilize sunlight energy to satisfy their metabolic needs. The main goal of our Lab. is to characterize and gain a deeper understanding of the protein complexes which facilitate the process of light energy capturing and utilization.

Could you tell us about your current article/research what was the main purpose of the research and what did you discover?
See behind the paper:https://microbiologycommunity.nature.com/posts/is-this-environmental-juice-worth-anything


➡ Click here to read the full article

➡ Click here to view the Prof. Beja’s lab site

➡ Click here to view Prof. Beja page


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