Immunology is the study of the ways organisms defend themselves from invading pathogens. It tries to answer various questions regarding the immune system’s normal activity – What is an antigen? Which cells are involved in specific immune responses? What does the lymphoid system do? What is an allergic reaction? It also studies medical conditions related to immune disorders, pathogens, autoimmune diseases, etc.
Cancer has been known in the last few decades as a leading cause of mortality. It is characterized by the uncontrolled division of cells in the body, leading to the creation of a malignant tumor. This poses a great therapeutic challenge, as we are not fighting a foreign invader, but the cells of the organism itself. Cancer research includes many different sub-topics. The Faculty of Biology at the Technion studies genetic and metabolic changes in cancer cells, cancer resistance to treatment, the involvement of the immune system in the body’s natural or induced anti-cancer response, and more.
Neuroscience has made great progress during the last few decades, with many new sub-fields, but there is much we still do not know The Faculty of Biology at the Technion believes in multidisciplinary research, as it helps us understand complex neurobiological processes and allows us to use methodologies from the worlds of physics and computer science. Our neurobiologists also study the simple nervous systems of animals that have no brain or actual nerves (e.g., C. elegans).