Stem Cells and Developmental Biology

Developmental Biology is the study of the development of an individual organism from conception (as a zygote) to death.
The Faculty of Biology at the Technion tackles various matters in this field, ranging from molecular aspects (cell differentiation and the study of tissue and organ creation processes) to evolutionary aspects and the comparison between different species to find new ways of treating diseases, repairing damaged tissues, regenerating cells, and performing basic research.

Part of the fascinating research being conducted in this field includes:

  • Studying dynamic protein network responses to the changing environment, as well as to shifting needs during metabolic changes or aging processes.
  • Combining knowledge from different fields, ranging from physiology and metabolism to protein biochemistry and cell biology in order to advance the foundational understanding of diverse types of wasting by highlighting how cells retain and adapt their size to a changing physiological environment.
  • Developing computational models and novel single-cell genomics technologies for predicting the effect of viral infections on the host cells and for studying changes in gene expression in placenta and embryo cells subjected to viral infections during pregnancy.
Aran Lab
Aran Lab
Glickman Lab
Glickman Lab
Lamm Lab
Lamm Lab
Mandel-Gutfreund Lab
Mandel-Gutfreund Lab
Podbilewicz Lab
Podbilewicz Lab
Savaldi-Goldtstein Lab
Savaldi-Goldtstein Lab
Schuster Lab
Schuster Lab
Stern Lab
Stern Lab
Henn lab
Henn lab
Assaraf Lab
Assaraf Lab
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