
Faculty Seminar: Dr. Omri Wurtzel, Monday 12/6 at 13:15
12/06/2023 13:15
Dr. Omri Wurtzel
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Life Sciences in Tel Aviv University

No commitments: Planarian stem cells in regeneration and homeostasis


Regeneration, the regrowth of missing organs, is a widespread survival strategy contributing to recovery from injury and disease. My lab studies fundamental aspects of regeneration by using invertebrate model organisms that have a remarkable capacity to regenerate: They can grow their entire head. In the seminar, I will present two studies from our lab, the first on stem cell differentiation regulation by RNA modifications, and the second on RNAi memory in stem cells. Together, these studies provide insights into molecular mechanisms that facilitate regeneration and maintenance of pluripotency in adult organisms.