25/03/2021 13:00
Title:“Researchin the data-rich biomedical era to advance precision medicine”Host: Ayala ShiberJoin ZoomMeeting https://technion.zoom.us/j/93293373229 Meeting ID: 932 9337 3229    
03/03/2021 13:00
An ordered loss ofdesminfilaments precedesand promotes muscle atrophyMyofibril breakdown is a hallmarkof muscle wasting and an inevitable sequel of aging and disease. The desmincytoskeleton is critical for skeletal muscle architecture...
17/02/2021 13:00
BiophysicalProperties that Influence Optimal Functional Output of TCR Engineered T Cells Theencounter of the TCR with its cognate peptide-MHC complex (pMHC) is a crucialstep in T-cell activation. One of the most...
10/02/2021 13:00
Insulinreceptor turnover in fasting is dependent on b-dystroglycan deglycosylationFasting exertsvarious physiological effects, most notably, reduced signaling through theinsulin receptor. Insulin receptor activity requires association withDystrophin Glycoprotein Complex (DGC), and fasting...
02/02/2021 12:00
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took...
27/01/2021 13:00
Title:Structure-function analysis of EFF-1 mediated cell-cell fusion Cell-cellfusion is a universal multi-step process essential for organogenesis and sexualreproduction. EFF-1 protein and its paralog AFF-1 are necessary and sufficientfor fusion in the...
25/01/2021 13:00
Title: “The HLA peptidome – its cellular production pipeline andclinical usefulness”Host: Ayala Shiberhttps://technion.zoom.us/j/96789984896
20/01/2021 13:00
Characterizing the auxiliarynucleotide binding sites in RecBCDDNA helicase, towards deciphering their functional roleAbstract:RecBCD is aDNA helicase-nuclease, powering the initiation of dsDNA break repair. It is ahighly processive fast helicase, with...
18/01/2021 13:00
Title: TBAHost: Ayala Shiberhttps://technion.zoom.us/j/91816487260    
13/01/2021 13:00
TitleA single molecule study of protein-DNAinteractionsAbstract Bindingof transcription factors (TFs) to regulatory regions in the genome is crucialfor the initiation of transcription, and thus one of the most important layersin...
11/01/2021 13:00
Title: “Lost in Translation: the Ribosomal Epitranscriptome in Hematopoiesis” Host: Ayala Shiber ZOOM
04/01/2021 13:00
Title: Investigatingthe cell biology of plant infection by the rice blast fungus MagnaportheoryzaeHost: Ayala Shiber
28/12/2020 13:00
Title: Studying the interplay between autophagy andmetabolism in plants Host: Ayala ShiberZoom: https://technion.zoom.us/j/97980014119
23/12/2020 13:00
“A meristematic state depends on atissue specific-incoherent effect of steroid hormones”The entire plant body can be traced backto the activity meristems, tiny organized structures   harboring the stem cells niche. Thisactivity...
21/12/2020 13:00
Title: 4EBP is exploited by tumor cells to adapt toglucose starvationHost: Ayala ShiberZoom: https://technion.zoom.us/j/99516266251
16/12/2020 13:00
Breastcanceris not a single disease, it is comprised of many biologically differentfeatures with distinct pathological and clinicalimplications. Accumulating evidence suggest breast cancers with different histopathological andbiological features exhibit different behaviors...
09/12/2020 13:00
Identification of a novel pathway to ensure double strand break-inducedtranscriptional silencing and repairDouble-strand break (DSB) are the most cytotoxic form DNA damageand defective DSB repair leads to genomic instabilities that...
07/12/2020 13:00
Title: The endocannabinoid system and its therapeutic potentialHost: Ayala ShiberZoom: https://technion.zoom.us/j/93644157337
02/12/2020 13:00
DanielZaidmanFrom the Lab ofDr. Nir London  Weizmann Institute of Science  Computational protocols for thedesign of next generation chemical tools.Covalent irreversible inhibitors, andprotein degraders (PROTACs) are two emerging fields that are growing...
30/11/2020 13:00
Title: Toward HCV vaccine - Structural studies of HCV E2 envelopglycoprotein that facilitates rational design of HCV vaccine. Host: Ayala Shiber
25/11/2020 13:00
A single molecule study of theroles of the RecC subunit in DNA unwinding by RecBCD DNAdouble-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most cytotoxic of DNA lesions and theirrepair requires a comprehensive and...
23/11/2020 13:00
Title: Softmembranes & rigid filaments: a role for endoplasmic reticulum in thecellular distribution of microtubules Host: Ayala Shiber
16/11/2020 13:00
Title: Neuronal regulation of proteostasis collapse inCaenorhabditis elegans Host:Ayala Shiber
09/11/2020 13:00
Title: Molecular Chaperones in Protein Disaggregation - What wecan learn by NMR Host:Michael Glickman and Ayala Shiber
02/11/2020 13:00
Title: Sea urchin skeletogenesis and its resemblance tovertebrates vascularization: From gene regulatory networks to cytoskeletonremodeling and back Host: Benkamin Podbilewicz and AyalaShiber
01/11/2020 13:00
Model-to-crop translation:interaction between mineral-nutrient availability and steroid hormones Plants acquire essentialmineral nutrients from inherently heterogeneous soils, in which phosphateavailability vary. Consequently, plants have developed adaptive strategies tocope with low phosphate levels,...
26/10/2020 13:00
Title:Fusion, sex and the origin ofeukaryotesHost: Ayala ShiberJoin Zoom Meeting https://technion.zoom.us/j/5746925814
24/10/2020 - 25/10/2020 23:15
Manisha SahooFrom the Lab of Doctor Kleifeld OdedResearch Topic:  Proteomic profiling of activeproteasomes and intracellular peptidome The proteasomes are multisubunit,multicatalytic protein complex in eukaryotic cells which degrade misfolded,damaged, or unstructured proteins. Functionally...
15/09/2020 13:00
Photosynthesisis the process by which solar energy is converted into chemical energy in theform of complex carbohydrates and ATP. With growing interest inphotosynthesis as a potential renewable- energysource, Bio-photo-electrochemical cells (BPEC) were designed andfabricated with the...
14/09/2020 13:00
Roni MoninFrom the Lab of  Professor Michael GlickmanResearch Topic: 20S Proteasome gain-of-functionduring stress conditionsThe Proteasome is a large Protein complexresponsible for protein degradation in cells. The 26S Proteasome is composed oftwo...
08/09/2020 13:00
The RNA recognition motif (RRM) is found approximately in all lifekingdoms and is one of the most abundant protein domains. RRM-containingproteins take part in post transcriptional events such as: pre-mRNA...
07/09/2020 13:00
One-carbon(1C) metabolism is highlydysregulated in cancer. While serine serves as the main donor offolate-mediated 1C units, recent studies reveal the importance of metaboliccontribution by other 1C donors in tumors.Studyingthe contribution...
03/09/2020 13:00
 בסיוםהדוקטורט חלקנו נמשיך במחקר באקדמיה, וחלקנו נצא לדרך חדשה בתעשיה- אבל מהןהאפשרויות העומדות בפנינו? מהם האתגרים הצפויים?כדי לשוחח, להקשיב, ובעיקר לפתוח את הראש להזדמנויות עבורינו בתום הדוקטורט- אנו מתכבדות לארח פאנל מעורר השראה, של בוגרידוקטורט שנמצאים כיום בתפקידים מגוונים ומעניינים בתעשייה. הפאנל יערך בזום ביום חמישי ה- 3.9.20 בשעות...
01/09/2020 13:00
31/08/2020 01:00
25/08/2020 13:00
24/08/2020 13:00
18/08/2020 13:00
17/08/2020 13:00
11/08/2020 01:15
04/08/2020 13:00
Zoom link :https://technion.zoom.us/j/97455022198Meeting ID: 974 5502 2198
28/07/2020 13:00
Zoom link :https://technion.zoom.us/j/96370240342?pwd=RUdMWnBraFFOMnZ3MHdVUUJFVTIrdz09Meeting ID: 963 7024 0342Passcode: 878332
29/06/2020 13:00
Title: Exploitingthe novel role of RBM6 splicing factor in DNA repair for targeted cancertherapyZoom:https://technion.zoom.us/j/92737656162    Host: Debbie Lindell
22/06/2020 13:00
Title:Sequencing SARS-COV-2: Deducing spread into and within Israel, and incidence rates Zoom:https://technion.zoom.us/j/92724814449Host: Debbie Lindell
15/06/2020 13:00
Title: Mappingthe landscape of viral immune evasion and diversityZoom:https://technion.zoom.us/j/95391957314Host: Ayala Shiber and Debbie Lindell
08/06/2020 13:00
Title: Controlling embryonic stem cell fate decisions by aunique mechanism of mRNA translationZoom:https://technion.zoom.us/j/91893421605    Host: Debbie Lindell
01/06/2020 13:00
Title: Division of labor and disease dynamics in clonal ant societies    Zoom: https://technion.zoom.us/j/95504628686Host: Shay Stern and Debbie Lindell
25/05/2020 13:00
Title:Targeted protein degradationwith small-molecules: How PROTACs workZoom: https://technion.zoom.us/j/93090655153    Host: Michael Glickman and Debbie Lindell
18/05/2020 13:00
Title: Cellular functions of myosin motor proteins in health and disease    Zoom: https://technion.zoom.us/j/96840114760    Host: Arnon Henn and Debbie Lindell
11/05/2020 13:00
Title:“TBA”Zoom: https://technion.zoom.us/j/91264505233Host: Benjamin Horwitz and Debbie Lindell 
04/05/2020 13:00
Title: “Structural and mechanistic insights intothe mycobacterial type VII secretion system” Zoom: https://technion.zoom.us/j/91264505233 Host: Ayala Shiber and Debbie Lindell
30/03/2020 13:00
Title: Theendocannabinoid system and its therapeutic potential Host: Debbie Lindell
23/03/2020 13:00
Title: “Top of their class: Class B Hsp40chaperones in amyloid disaggregation” Host: Michael Glickman and Debbie Lindell
16/03/2020 13:00
Title: ProteinKinase A (PKA) Isoform Specificity: From Single Molecules to the Brain Host: Dan Zilberstein and Debbie Lindell
09/03/2020 13:00
Title: Personalize therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases Host: Roy Kishony
26/02/2020 13:00
13/02/2020 13:00
10/02/2020 13:00
Title: The interplay between immunity, structure and dynamics inhost-pathogen systems Host: Debbie Lindell
05/02/2020 13:00
03/02/2020 13:00
Title:Towards mining the marine microbiome for remediation targets: lessons fromthe humanmicrobiomeHost: Yael Mandel Gutreund
30/01/2020 13:00
22/01/2020 13:00
22/01/2020 13:00
Title: "Regulation of Fusogen Recruitment during Cell-CellFusion in C. elegans" Host: Benny Podbilewicz
20/01/2020 13:00
Title: An adaptive-threshold mechanism for odor sensation and animal navigationHost: Yael Mandel-Gutfreund
13/01/2020 13:00
Title: Dissecting immune evasion mechanisms in cancer using single-celltechnologiesHost: Yael Mandel-Gutfreund
08/01/2020 13:00
06/01/2020 13:00
Title: Endoplasmic Reticulum to CYtosol Signaling (ERCYS), A FunctionalER SurveillanceMechanism in Health and DiseaseHost: Yael Mandel-Gutfreund
30/12/2019 13:00
Title: IntricateNetworks of Small RNA-Mediated Regulation Revealed by RIL-seq Host: Yael Mandel Gutfreund
23/12/2019 13:00
Title:“The pancreatic islet – an organ frombeginning to end “ Host: Yael Mandel-Gutfreund
16/12/2019 13:00
Title: “Deconstructing the replication program ofenteroviruses in human cells “ Host: Yael Mandel Gutfreund
02/12/2019 13:00
Title:Representation, inference anddesign of multicellular systemsHost: Yael Mandel-Gutfreund
28/11/2019 - 01/12/2019 09:30
Research Topic:IdentifingMetabolic Alterations and VulnerabilitesinSenescentandCancer Cellsזיהוינקודות התורפה המטבוליות בתאי סרטן אשר הפעילו את מנגנון ה- Senescence
25/11/2019 13:00
Title: “Stem cells and apoptosis: A matter oflife and death Host: Debbie Lindell
18/11/2019 13:00
Title: Autologous stem cells as oncolyticsmall pox vaccine carriers for immunotherapy of cancer in human patients.” Host: Debbie Lindell
06/11/2019 13:00
04/11/2019 09:00
Title: CRISPR Breakthrough - From Bacteria to Bedside Keynote Lecture: Feng Zhang, MIT, Broad Institute Keynote Lecture: Emmanuelle Charpentier, Max Planck Institute
30/10/2019 13:00
28/10/2019 13:00
Title: “Resistance and coexistance among cyanobacteria and their phages in the ocean”
27/10/2019 13:00
Lokey Distinguished Seminar Title: “Coupling of transcription and alternative splicing” Host and Opening remarks: Ariel Kaplan
03/10/2019 10:00
02/10/2019 13:00
24/09/2019 13:00
03/09/2019 13:00
02/09/2019 13:00
Research Topic:Functions for git-1in dendritic maintenance and behavior in Caenorhabditis elegansThe protein GIT1 (G-protein-coupled receptorkinase interacting ArfGAP 1) is a GTPase activating protein (GAP) for the Arfsmall GTP-binding proteins, and...
20/08/2019 13:00
MSC Graduate SeminarTuesday, August20(20/08/19) Facultyof Biology Auditorium, 13:00 PMAnna YunaevFrom the Lab ofProfessorYehuda AssarafResearchTopic:Molecular characterization ofdrug-induced lysosomal biogenesis
13/08/2019 13:00
06/08/2019 13:00
23/07/2019 13:00
16/07/2019 13:00
ResearchTopic:Deciphering theRNA-bound proteome of human embryonic stem cellsRNA-binding proteins(RBPs) are essential regulators of post-transcriptional gene expression,controlling numerous aspects in the life of an RNA molecule. While remarkableprogress has been made...
09/07/2019 13:00
Research Topic:The role of ZnT2 in health anddisease
25/06/2019 13:00
Research Topic:Resistance in marinecyanobacteria against infection bygeneralist and specialist cyanophagesCyanobacteria of the genera Synechococcus and Prochloroccocus areinfected by generalist and specialist phages. Coexistence between thecyanobacteria and the phages is thought...
24/06/2019 13:00
Title: Sharing sensory information between the two hemispheres Hosts: Debbie Lindell and Shenhav Cohen
11/06/2019 13:00
ResearchTopic:Mutant Ubiquitin Drives theEmergence And Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s DiseaseAlzheimer’sdisease(AD) is characterized by accumulation of hazardous proteins in the brain. Asthe primary signal of protein clearance in the cell is ubiquitin,...
10/06/2019 13:00
Title: Bacterial nanotubes: Conduits for intra- and inter-kingdom molecular trafficking Host: Debbie Lindell
03/06/2019 13:00
Title: Neuronal RNA transgenerational memories in C. elegans Hosts: Debbie Lindell and Beni Podbilewicz
27/05/2019 13:00
Title: “Molecular mechanisms regulating muscle size – from protein degradation to disease therapy” Host: Debbie Lindell
23/05/2019 13:00
Title: Bioinformatics analysis of complex protocols: CLIP-seq and single-cell RNA-seq * Host: Yael Mandel-Gutfreund
21/05/2019 13:00
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